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Chabad of South Bay - “Purim Shuttle” 5785/2025

The Jewish holiday of Purim will be celebrated on Sunday, March 24. On this joyous day it is a great mitzvah to give food gifts to friends. These gifts have been traditionally known as Mishloach Manot.

Take advantage of our fantastic “Purim Shuttle”. Chabad of South Bay will prepare beautiful Shalach Manot packages to be delivered to members of the South Bay community. For only $6 per recipient, we will send a package to the person(s) you select from the enclosed list. Your name will be included on a card that accompanies the gift indicating all of the senders’ names.

Make your choices online through our website www.chabadsb.org/ purimproject

Each community member gets their own login information, which allows them to view a list of fellow community members and to select your own, personal list to whom you'd like to send Purim gift baskets. If you have not received an email with your login information please contact us at 310.634.4516 Email: [email protected].

* Special Offer - Send a package to the entire list for just $500 (a $2000 Value)!

* Reciprocity option Available! ($7 per name)

* Your order must be submitted by Monday, March 3!

* Payment must be received for orders to be processed!

If you are choosing the mail option please mark the names of those to whom you wish to send Shalach Manot. Return the completed form along with your payment.

Click here to download a form and a list of names