Observing A Special Day With A Kinus
Sunday, the 7th of Adar, marked the yahrzeit of the greatest leader of our Nation, Moshe Rabeynu. As the Rambam states in the Thirteen Principles “I firmly believe that the prophecy of Moses our teacher, may he rest in peace, was true; and that he was the chief of prophets, both of those who preceded and of those that followed him.”
The Talmud – Gemorah states there is great joy in the month of Adar as it is the month of the birth of Moshe Rabeynu.
We know that the Alter Rebbe speaks about the Moshe in everyone and the Moshe Rabeynu of each generation.
In our generation the Moshe Rabeynu is the Rebbe. We follow his standing orders of preparing the world for Moshiach. As we know, higiya zman – the time is here for Moshiach and we must do as much as possible. The Rebbe taught us that we must reach out – oferatzta – Yama, v’Kedma, Tzefona, v’Negba. The word Foratzta is spelled Pay = p, Raish = r, Tzadik = m, and Taf = ,. In gematria Pay = 80, Raish = 200, Tzadik = 90 and Taf = 400. The total = 770. 770 is the address of the main Chabad headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.
Rabbi Sholom Boruch Eliyahu Cunin, Head Californian Shaliach, marked Sunday, February 21st / 7th Adar with a special Kinus for West Coast Chabad Lubavitch. There are over 263 shluchim, from the South to the North and East to West. The words oferatzta means to place shluchim in every direction possible.
All these shluchim came together for a 48 hour achdus oferatzta program. There was Torah, Avoda, and Gamilus Chasadim throughout the program.
It began with a lunch full of delicious food and was followed by shiurim – classes in Torah. Then on to the financial world and reach out programs for public schools, high schools, camps, and more.
There was a special session where Rabbi Cunin spoke of the West Coast being the first one for so many programs especially the idea of bringing shluchim together, where they would be able to meet and exchange ideas, learning, and friendship. You can well imagine the positive energy.
The meeting took place on the beautiful 70 acre campus called Kiryas Schneerson in Running Springs. High in the mountain, closer to G‑d as you can physically get!
Some 170 shluchim attended the program. In the middle of the program a snow storm broke out, closing the road at times. There were accidents on the freeway and side roads but our shluchim were able to come and return in safety. A true miracle in our times.
The dream of the Rebbe in preparing the world for Moshiach is becoming a reality. As each day passes we see more and more shluchim coming to California, called the golden state. As gold is mined from the ground so too is Yiddishkeit mined from the people of California and Nevada.
Each shaliach went home energized with a great experience.
Yes, Torah, Avoda and Gemilus Chasadim was not only taught as a subject, it was practiced by all those attending. No date was given for the next yearly kinus as it will surely be in Yerushalayim HaKodesh.